Encrypted Swap

Encrypted swap is a solution for small-footprint secure microcontrollers that must rely upon external RAM chips. The idea is to have the fast, on-chip RAM within the secure perimeter serve as the working set of data, but have this backed up with a "swapfile" consisting of slower, off-chip RAM that is also encrypted.

The swap implementation is modelled after the kind of swap space found in other operating systems like Linux. The kernel can over-commit pages of virtual memory, and data is only allocated when a program actually attempts to access the over-committed pages. When the on-chip memory gets full, the swapper will guess as to what pages are not being used and copy them to encrypted swap. The kernel is then free to mark those virtual memory pages as invalid, and re-allocate them to actively used data.


  • wired refers to pages that are resident in RAM and cannot be swapped out
  • resident refers to a page in RAM
  • free RAM refers unallocated internal RAM
  • swapped refers to a page in swap
  • free swap refers to unallocated pages in external swap memory
  • reserved refers to memory that has been over-committed, i.e., exists in virtual memory space but has no physical allocation
  • allocated refers to memory that has been allocated, but could be in either resident or swapped states

Review of Virtual Memory Implementation Without Swap

In Xous, every process has a page table, including the kernel. The satp field of a process record stores the page address of the root of a process page table in satp.PPN. satp.ASID contains the PID.

The kernel is mapped into every process virtual memory space, in the top 16MiB of memory. Thus, the kernel is unique in that it is the only process that can access its physical pages alongside another process.

When each process is created, their page tables are populated with entries that hard-wire the program's code. The stack and heap are also fully allocated, but over-provisioned. Only the first page of each space is backed with physical memory; the rest is demand-paged. Thus, when a program starts, its maximum stack and heap extents are defined by the loader. These extents can be modified at runtime with a kernel syscall, but a program will OOM-fail even if there is physical memory available if its virtual stack and heap allocations are exhausted.

To review, each PTE has the following flags:

  • V valid: page contents are valid
  • R read: page can be read
  • W write: page can be written
  • X execute: page is executable
  • U user: page is accessible in user mode
  • G global: page is in all address spaces
  • A accessed: page has been accessed (read, execute, or write) (Vex does not implement)
  • D dirty: page has been written since last time it was cleared (Vex does not implement)
  • S shared: (part of RWS set) shared page - used by Xous to track if a page has been lent to another process
  • P previously writable: (part of RWS set) previously writable (not used)

From the standpoint of memory management, a page can only have the following states:

  • Allocated: V set
  • Fault: No flags are set, or S is set and V is not set
  • Reserved: V is not set, and at least one other flag is set except for S

Encryption Method

Swap is encrypted with an AEAD that is either AES-GCM-SIV or ChachaPoly (the choice will be determined based on benchmarked performance, and can even be changed on the fly since the encrypted information is ephemeral on every boot). The swap encryption key is generated from a hardware TRNG on boot. It is critical that this TRNG function correctly and be truly random early at boot.

The 16-byte AEAD MAC codes for every page are stored in a global appendix in untrusted RAM; this is fine, as the MAC is considered to be ciphertext, as all security derives from the key, but the swap space is reduced by this overhead. Detaching the MAC is done purely as a convenience to simplify page offset mapping computations; the detachment is not meant to imply the MAC is somehow cryptographically separable from the ciphertext block, as would be the case in e.g. a detachable signature scheme.

The nonce for the AEAD is derived as follows:

nonce[96] = {swap_count[32]|pid[8]|p_page[24]|v_page[24]}

This gives the following security properties:

  • In all cases, pages cannot be replayed between reboots, as the key is generated on each boot
  • Tampered pages in external memory are cryptographically likely to be detected (due to the 128-bit MAC code)
  • Identical plaintext between two processes will not map to the same ciphertext
  • Identical plaintext within a process will not map to the same ciphertext
  • Ciphertext between two processes cannot be swapped to do code injection with ciphertext
  • Ciphertext of one page within a process cannot be copied to a new page location in the same process and decrypt correctly
  • Identical plaintext located in the same physical location and virtual location for the same process with the same swap count will create interchangeable ciphertext

The swap count of a page is a cryptographically small number (nominally 32 bits) that is used to track which page has been least-recently used (to manage evictions). The implementation will be coded to allow a larger number if necessary, but there is a trade-off between the size of this number and the amount of heap space needed to track every virtual page and its swap space; as the swap grows large, the overhead can start to overwhelm the amount of memory available in a small footprint microcontroller.

The last property means that, for example, it is possible to infer something about the heap or stack of a running process that has been swapped out. In particular, we can detect if a region of stack or heap memory has been modified & swapped, and then restored to the original data & swapped, once the swap count is saturated.

This can be used for the following malicious activities:

  • Build a side channel to exfiltrate data via swap
  • Force a running process into a previous stack or heap configuration by recording and restoring pages after forcing the swap count to roll over

Mitigation of this vulnerability relies upon these factors:

  • It takes a long time to push the swap count to 32 bits. This is the equivalent of encrypting and decrypting about 17 terabytes of data using the embedded controller. This would take over 22 years if the microcontroller can run AES-GCM-SIV bidirectionally at a rate of 100MiB/s. An Apple M1 Pro can achieve 590MiB/s unidirectionally, so this is an optimistic estimate for an embedded controller running at a few hundred MHz. A similar analysis can be done for ChachaPoly.
  • Instead of saturating, the swap count must roll-over. This means that the LRU algorithm will suffer a performance degradation after a "long time" (see previous bullet for bounds on that), but by avoiding saturation it means an attacker has a single window of opportunity to re-use a page before having to roll over again (or they must keep a log of all the pages). This isn't a cryptographically strong defense, but it practically complicates any attack with little cost in implementation.
  • The swap count can be increased to up to 40 bits in size (any larger would overflow the nonce size considering the other data concatenated into the nonce), if further strength is desired, at a considerable price on 32-bit microcontrollers.

Swap Implementation

Swap is a kernel feature that is enabled with the flag swap.

Swap is intended to be implemented using an off-chip SPI RAM device. While it is most performant if it is a memory mapped RAM, it does not need to be; the swapper shall be coded with a HAL that can also handle SPI devices that are accessible only through a register interface.

Image Creation

swap configured builds cannot assume that all the static code can fit inside the secure FLASH within a microcontroller. Thus, the image creator must take regions marked as IniS and locate them in a "detached blob" from the main xous.img.

The security properties of the two images are thus:

  • xous.img is assumed to be written into a secure on-chip FLASH region, and is unencrypted by default.
  • swap.img is assumed to be written to an off-chip SPI FLASH memory, and is untrusted by default.

A simple bulk signature check on swap.img, like that used on xous.img, is not going to cut it in an adversarial environment, because of the TOCTOU inherent in doing a hash-and-check and then bulk-copy over a slow bus like SPI. Thus, the following two-phase scheme is introduced for distributing swap.img.

The AEAD shall be either ChachaPoly or AES-256, depending upon which is more performant (to be updated). We use a "detached-MAC" scheme only because it makes mapping block offsets in the ciphertext stream to block offsets in the plaintext stream logically easier. There's no cryptographic meaning in detaching the MAC.

  1. In phase 1, swap.img is encrypted using an AEAD to a "well-known-key" of 0, where each block in FLASH encrypts a page of data, and the MAC are stored in an appendix to the swap.img. The first page is an unprotected directory that defines the expected offset of all the MAC relative to the encrypted blocks in the image file, and contains the 64-bit nonce seed + AAD. The problem of whether to accept an update is outside the scope of this spec: it's assumed that if an update is delivered, it's updated with some signature tied to a certificate in a transparency log that is confirmed by the user at update time. This does mean there is a potential TOCTOU of the bulk update data versus signing at update time, but we assume that the update is done as an atomic operation by the user in a "safe" environment, and that an adversary cannot force an update of the swap.img that meets the requirements of phase 2 without user consent.
  2. In phase 2, swap.img is re-encrypted to a locally generated key, which is based on a key stored only in the device and derived with the help of a user-supplied password. This prevents adversaries from forcing an update to swap.img without a user's explicit consent. NOTE: the key shall not be re-used between swap.img updates; it should be re-generated on every update. This does mean that the signature on the xous.img shall change on every update, but this is assumed to be happening already on an update.

In order to support this scheme, the Swap kernel argument contains a key field. The image creator sets this to a 256-bit "all zero" key initially for distribution and initial device image creation. Once the device is provisioned with a root key, the provisioning routine shall also update the kernel arguments (which are stored inside the secure FLASH region) with the new key, and re-encrypt the swap detached blob in SPI FLASH to the unique device key before rebooting.

If followed correctly, a device is distributed "naive" and malleable, but once the keying ceremony is done, it should be hard to intercept and/or modify blocks inside swap.img, since the block-by-block read-in and authentication check provides a strong guarantee of consistency even in the face of an adversary that can freely MITM the SPI bus.

This is different from the detached-signature with unencrypted body taken for on-chip FLASH, which is a faster, easier method, but only works if the path to FLASH memory is assumed to be trusted.

The nonce for the swap.img AEAD is 96 bits, where the lower 32 bits track the block offset, and the upper 64 bits are the lower 64 bits of the git commit corresponding to the swap.img. This 64-bit git commit is stored as a nonce seed in the unprotected header page along with the offset of the MAC + AAD data. The incorporation of the git commit helps protect against bugs in the implementation of the locally generated key. The locally generated key should not be re-used between updates, but tying the nonce to the git commit should harden against chosen ciphertext attacks in the case that the generated key happens to be re-used.

The AAD shall be the ASCII string 'swap'. I don't think it's strictly necessary, but might as well have domain separation.

Boot Setup: Loader

The loader gets new responsibilities when swap is enabled:

  • The loader needs to be aware of both the location and size of the trusted internal unencrypted RAM (resident memory), and the external encrypted RAM (swap memory).
  • The resident memory is tracked using the existing "Runtime Page Tracker" (RPT) mechanism.
  • Additional structures are created, located at virtual address 0xE000_0000 and mapped into PID2's memory space:
    1. The "Swap Page Tables" (SPT), which is a slice of pointers to swap page table structures. Every process starts with a root page table page pre-allocated, even if it does not use swap. Any page table pages allocated are placed in the 0xE000_0000 memory range; however, at run-time any additional pages needed will be allocated using MapMemory calls to the kernel and thus placed in the swapper's heap region.
    2. The "Swap MAC Table" (SMT), which tracks the 16-byte MAC codes for every page in swap. It does not degrade security to locate the SMT in swap. The size is fixed, and is proportional to the size of swap.
    3. A copy of the RPT, except with wired memory marked with a PID of 0 (pages marked with the kernel's PID, 1, are free memory; the kernel code itself is marked 0 and wired). The size is fixed, and is proportional to the total size of internal (resident) RAM.
  • All of these structures must be mapped into PID2's memory space by the loader
  • The "Swap Count Tracker" is not allocated by the loader. However, the swap count of pages in swap is guaranteed to be set to 0 by the loader.
  • The loader is responsible for querying the TRNG on every boot to generate the session key for encrypting off-chip RAM.
  • A new image tag type is created inis, to indicate data that should start in encrypted swap.
  • A kernel argument with tag swap is created. It contains the userspace address for PID2 (the swapper) of the SPT, SMT, and RPT structures.

The SPT has the same structure as system page tables. However, SPT entries are only allocated on-demand for processes that have swap; it is not a full copy of every page in the system page table.

INIF handling

Regions marked as xip (i.e, marked as inif type) are assumed to FLASH that is contained within the secure perimeter of the microcontroller. These regions are mapped directly and unencrypted into the kernel memory space.

These boot-critical processes must be xip, and are never swapped out:

  • kernel
  • swapper
  • ticktimer

More regions can be marked as xip; this is preferable, because if the code is resident in on-chip FLASH, they aren't taking up working-set RAM and things will run faster.

The initial data set of inif processes are considered to be wired; however, their reserved memory regions can be swapped after allocation.

INIE handling

Regions marked as inie are copied to the working set RAM and executed out of RAM. It is assumed this tag is mostly unused in microcontrollers with a small internal working set, but the behavior is not modified because it is a valid and useful tag for devices with large, trusted RAMs.

INIS handling

Regions marked as inis are copied into encrypted swap on boot. The kernel page table state start out with the correct R/W/X/U values, but V is not set, and P is set. Entries are created in the SPT to inform the tracker where to find the pages.

An kernel argument of type swap is provided, which is a base and bounds to the SPT/SMT region. This is meant to passed to the swapper process when it registers to the kernel.

The image creation routine and kernel arguments need to be extended to support inis regions located in off-chip SPI FLASH. The off-chip data is not encrypted, but it is signature checked with a dedicated signature block. Note that the off-chip SPI FLASH does not need to be memory mapped: the loader may read the memory through a register interface.

Kernel Runtime

Systems with swap enabled must have a process located at PID 2 that is the swapper. The kernel will only recognize swap extension syscalls originating from PID 2.

The following kernel syscall extensions are recognized when the swap feature is activated:

  • RegisterSwapper
  • EvictPage

The kernel page fault handler must also be extended to handle swapped pages by invoking the swapper to recover the contents.

The userspace swapper handles two classes of events. The first are blocking events, handled in an interrupt-like context where all IRQs are disabled. These are "atomic" swap operations, and cannot invoke any syscalls that could block, or wait on any events. The second are non-blocking events and are queued into the swapper like any other message.

Thus, preemption requests are ignored during a blocking swap event, because external IRQs are disabled.

Finally, the swapper shall not allow any shared-state locks on data structures required to satisfy a swap request. Such a lock will lead to a system hang with no error message, since what happens is the swapper will busy-wait eternally because preemption has been disabled.

Blocking Events

Blocking events are called with a list of 8 arguments in an interrupt-like context. Not all arguments are valid for all calls; the 8 arguments are an upper bound and must all be set to something due to the strictness of Rust function call prototypes.

Here are the types of blocking events that the swapper must handle:

  • WriteToSwap: Copy & encrypts a physical page to swap. Arguments include the original processes' PID and virtual address.
  • ReadFromSwap: Retrieve & decrypts a page from swap, and copies it to a designated physical page. Arguments include the target process PID and virtual address for the page to retrive.
  • AllocateAdvisory: Informs the swapper that a page in free RAM was allocated to a given PID and virtual address. Only reports on pages that are allocated out of free RAM, and it includes a flag to indicate if the allocation was wired or not. Recall that wired memory cannot be swapped. AllocateAdvisory may be coded to "bulk up" a couple of allocate requests for better efficiency.
  • Free: Informs the swapper that a page was de-allocated by a process.

These are processed with interrupts disabled, and have the same rules as interrupt handlers in terms of safe calls that can be performed.

The blocking responder inside the swapper must be atomic: in other words, every kernel request that comes in must be fully handled without any dependencies or stalls on other processes, and upon satisfaction the swapper must be immediately ready for another blocking request. In particular: you can't use the log crate for debugging.

Non-Blocking Events

  • Trim: (this might be a bad idea) a request from the kernel to free up N pages. Normally the kernel would not call this, as the swapper should be pre-emptively clearing space, but it is provided as a last-ditch method in case of an OOM.
  • ProcessAdvisory: This is a scalar message generated by a blocking AllocateAdvisory message via the try_send_message method that tells the swapper to decide if an EvictPage call is needed. ProcessAdvisory can be safely missed if the message queue overflows.

Non-blocking events happen in the normal userspace server thread.

Flags and States

When swap is enabled, the flags have the following meaning:

  • V valid: page contents are valid
  • R read: page can be read
  • W write: page can be written
  • X execute: page is executable
  • U user: page is accessible in user mode
  • G global: page is in all address spaces
  • A accessed: page has been accessed (read, execute, or write) (Vex does not implement)
  • D dirty: page has been written since last time it was cleared (Vex does not implement)
  • S shared: (part of RWS set) shared page - used by Xous to track if a page has been lent to another process
  • P swapped: (part of RWS set) page is in swap

From the standpoint of memory management, a page can only have the following states:

  • Allocated: V set, P may not be set
  • Fault: No flags are set, or S is set and V is not set
  • Swapped: P is set. V is not set. S may also not be set. Upon access to this page, the kernel allocates a resident page and calls ReadFromSwap to fill it. The page will move to the Allocated state on conclusion.
  • Reserved: V is not set, P is not set, and at least one other flag is set except for S. A kernel allocates a resident page and zeros it. The page will move to the Allocated state on conclusion.

Pages go from Allocated to Swapped based on the swapper observing that the kernel is low on memory, and calling a series of EvictPage calls to free up memory. It is always assumed that the kernel can allocate memory when necessary; as a last ditch the kernel can attempt to call Trim on the swapper, but this should only happen in extreme cases of memory pressure.

Pages go from Allocated to Reserved when a process unmaps memory.

When the swapper runs out of space, WriteToSwap panics with an OOM.

RegisterSwapper Syscall

The swapper registers with the kernel on a TOFU basis. The kernel reserves a single 128-bit sid with the target of the swapper, and it will trust the first process to use the RegisterSwapper syscall with its 128-bit random ID.

After registration, the kernel sends a message to the swapper with the location of the SPT/SMT regions as created by the bootloader, as well as the base and bounds of the free memory pool. The free memory pool is the region remaining after boot, after the loader has marked all the necessary RAM pages as wired.

EvictPage Syscall

EvictPage is a syscall that only the swapper is allowed to call. It is a scalar send message, which contains the PID and address of the page to evict. Upon receipt, the kernel will:

  • Change into the requested PID's address space
  • Lookup the physical address of the evicted page
  • Clear the V bit and set the P bit of the evicted page's PTE
  • Mark the RPT entry as free
  • Change into the swapper's address space
  • Mutably lend the evicted physical page to the swapper with a WriteToSwap message
  • Schedule the swapper to run

Swapper Responsibilities

It is the swapper's responsibility to maintain a structure that keeps track of every page in the free RAM pool. It builds this using the AllocateAdvisory messages.

When the amount of free RAM falls below a certain threshold, the swapper will initiate a Trim operation. A kernel can also initiate a Trim as a last-ditch in case the swapper was starved of time and was unable to initiate a Trim, but this meant to be avoided.

In a Trim operation, the swapper picks the pages it thinks will have the least performance impact and calls EvictPage to remove them. Initially, the swapper will have no way to know what pages are most important; it must use a heuristic to guess the first pages to evict. However, since it must track how frequently a page has been swapped with the swap_count field (necessary for encryption), it can rely upon this to build an eventual map of which pages to avoid.

The swapper is also responsible for responding to WriteToSwap and ReadFromSwap calls.